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All Rules in Mythic Monsters

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Mythic Monster Origins

Source Mythic Adventures pg. 176
Depending on your campaign, a mythic monster might be unique—the only one of a kind in the entire world or on all the planes—rare, or even relatively common. The following are some examples of how frequently mythic monsters could appear in a particular campaign.
  • Some say there is only one mythic red dragon—the oldest living ancestor of all red dragons—and it sleeps for centuries at a time.
  • A deadly pack of mythic trolls might rule over a hidden realm under the earth. Non-mythic trolls are the least of their kind, cast out because of their inborn weakness.
  • There may be only two mythic medusas, both mourning their third sister who was slain by a hero centuries ago. They now breed giant snakes (with a mythic simple template) to send after the hero’s descendants.
  • A demon lord might imbue some of its servants with mythic power, making them captains and generals over the armies it’s amassing to invade the mortal world.
How prevalent you want mythic creatures to be in your campaign is up to you, and their mythic abilities can be permanent or temporary.